Saturday 9 February 2013

Photo Manipulation

Assignment 1 - Photo Manipulation Assignment

       Original Images were taken by me to convey different types of lighting techniques in photography. The Image on the left (Bear_Vio_Original) was taken using incandescent lighting. The image on the right (Tiger_Yel_Original) was taken using natural light or window light.

Changes to Both Images
Fields for metadata 
- Creator, City, State, Country, Email and Date Created
Using Adobe Photo Shop I rotated the images so that the composition is upright in portrait format.
I then cropped and colour correction of the images.
Next I changed the resolution of the images form 72 pixels per inch, (default by the camera used) to 300 pixels per inch this was done for better the quality prints.; However the version on my blog is only 150dpi and low quality of the final images so that they could be appropriate for the web. 
Next I added a sharpen filter to bring out the detail and reduce blur in areas that are not needed.
Finally I blurred the backgrounds so that the subjects /Stuffed Animals.   Could be lifted off of it or stand out from the background.

Incandescent (Bear_Vio_Colour_LowRes) - Final

Noticing that there was too much light, which was creating poor shadows, I adjusted the image's levels of black and whites until it looked more balanced. I then reduced the brightness and contrast to make the subject (The Bear) stand out even more. To help reduce the artificial light brightness, I brought down the exposure of the image.

Natural/ Window light (Tiger_Yel_Colour_LowRes)  - Final

The photograph was a good example of rembrandt lighting using the window light as that one source of light, so there was little to edit, when taking a realistic approach. How ever I did increase the  blacks of the image just a little to raise the quality of the shadow.

Further editing of both images
After viewing Robert Capa's amazing capturing of realistic images, I decided to further edit my photographs and bring them to greyscale. 
Next I added a lens correction filter, to help reduce the camera blur because it wasn't on a tripod when I took the photographs. Also with the lens correction I decreased the vignette so  that the corners of the image would be darker than the subject, this would place more emphasis on directing the eyes of the viewer to the subject in the photograph.

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